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  1. The script the Microsoft has posted doesn't work. It may have at one time. This is what I have used. [String]$LogfileName = "OneDriveDetection" [String]$Logfile = "$env:SystemRoot\logs\$LogfileName.log" [string]$UserName [string]$UserSplit Function Write-Log { Param ([string]$logstring) If (Test-Path $Logfile) { If ((Get-Item $Logfile).Length -gt 2MB) { Rename-Item $Logfile $Logfile".bak" -Force } } $WriteLine = (Get-Date).ToString() + " " + $logstring Add-content $Logfile -value $WriteLine } #$User = gwmi win32_computersystem -Property Username [String](WMIObject -class Win32_ComputerSystem | Select username) $UserName = $User.UserName $UserSplit = [String](WMIObject -class Win32_ComputerSystem | Select username) -Split '\\' $OneDrive = "$env:SystemDrive\users\" + $UserSplit[1] +"\appdata\local\microsoft\onedrive\onedrive.exe" # Parameter to Log Write-Log "Start Script Execution" Write-Log "Logged on User: $UserName" Write-Log "Detection-String: $OneDrive" If(Test-Path $OneDrive) { Write-Log "Found DetectionFile" $OneDriveFile = Get-Item $OneDrive Write-Log "Get File Details" Write-Log "Version found:$OneDriveFile.VersionInfo.FileVersion" Write-Log "Script Exectuion End!" Write-Log "" Return $true } Else { Write-Log "Warning: OneDrive.exe not found – need to install App!" }
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