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    Exclusions in autodiscovery

    By Datafast,
    How can I setup Autodiscovery to exclude a specific OU in AD?

    Primary Site unknown in ADR

    By Datafast,
    I am noticing that once an ADR  start detects the primary Site as unknown (tab). I couldn't find the reason.

    SCCM PCs discovery

    By Datafast,
    In Deployment Status > unknown error, there are a very large number of PCs with the default windows name  "MININT-XXXXX".  Those PCs shouldn't be there because although  they were created in the first instance by task sequence, later the name was changed and updated..... My question is: what is the process SCCM use to discover the PC? Why this PCs are still in the SCCM system and not removed automatically (as they are not present in Active directory)? Thanks    

    Failed to upgrade from 2103 to 2203

    By bmkiss67,
    Our SCCM is offline so I do my upgrade testing with a SCCM box that is online.  The online box upgraded with no issues so I went ahead and tried to upgrade our offline box.  I've not had a failure like this so I'm not sure how to handle this, any advice?   Thanks  

    How to add languages pack in the SCCM tasksequence

    By Datafast,
    Im trying to build the new win 10 21H2 image adding inside 2 extra language using DISM. This image will be included in the SCCM tasksequence . With the first simple test (without adding a language) everything worked fine ....  Later once I injected another language by DISM  Dism /Image:"<PathToNewFolder>" /Add-Package /PackagePath="<PathTo.CABLanguagePack>" something happen because it failed. I have seen your guide:    and i need help to underst

    SCCM 2203 - Computers disappearing from various Device Collections

    By SandyPro,
    Computers are disappearing from various Device Collections in our environment.  It looks like it started over the weekend.  Has anyone seen this type of behavior before?    

    New sccm site showing warning

    By lalajee,
    Hi, I'm setting up new SCCM standalone site but i keep getting this warning. error 1 The site server might be unable to publish to Active Directory. The computer account for the site server must have Full Control permissions to the System Management container in its Active Directory domain. You can ignore this warning if you have manually verified these permissions. For more information about your options to configure required permissions, see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=

    New SCCM Primary site

    By lalajee,
    Hi, I'm building new SCCM Primary site and need some information What is our requirements we have around 2000 Device (servers 2003 to 2019 and Client Win 7 to 10 21H2), 200 Users Office is based in 4 location I just like to know what is best practice for this kind of setup I came up with this but i'm not sure if this is OK cpu: 4 cour RAM 20GB Drivers: C 100GB, D(sccm install) 50GB, E: (database mdf for sccm and wsus) 70GB F (database ldf for sccm and wsus)

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