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Everything posted by YPCC

  1. try this https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/configurationmgr/2016/03/03/hotfix-windows-pe-boot-images-from-winadk-fail-to-initialize-and-log-error-code-0x80220014/
  2. Create a application as a "script installer". Then create a simple batch script with the first line to run the tool and 2nd line to install the msi. Eg: ______ Adobeemovaltool.exe -silent Reader.msi /q ______ You can still use the same detection method as you would normally.
  3. Create a application as a "script installer". Then create a simple batch script with the first line to run the tool and 2nd line to install the msi. Eg: ______ Yourremovaltool.exe -silent Yourmsi.msi /q ______
  4. When you say not working, what happens? How i would do it is on the very first folder of your task sequence, place a wmi/reg condition to state this step will only run if condition is met. Test this condition on a win10 machine which has both EN and nonEN languages. I do this for many applications and works fine. Never needed to do it for a O/S deploy but theory is the same.
  5. Heard of an issue where if there are too many files (500+) then sccm has issues. Try zip the file up and deploy it. See if it help. 7zip can be run using command line, just redo your script so it unpacks the file then installs.
  6. You can also use BITS throttling to limit the speed that clients can download at. Though this will limit everything (all deployments)
  7. as above, incorrect or no subnet at all (so might be pulling content from a fallback DP) Failing this, test connectivity between location of imaging and DP. Perhaps QOS at network level is slowing things down.
  8. We version control our packages. Example Dell version their driver packs as A01, A02, A03 etc.... So when importing the driver packs we ensure this version number is tagged to the drivers as categories. If youre importing individual drivers then it can get a bit tricky but perhaps tagging them with the date you imported them will help you control drivers. And yes once you have imported drivers and are happy with them, as long as you keep 1 previous set of drivers then rest can be removed
  9. create a collection based on your OU and apply a non-recurring maintenance window to it which has expired, that way nothing in that collection (therefore nothing in that OU) will get any deployments
  10. That script does seem like the over complicated way of doing it. If i wanted to copy/update a shortcut i would simply take a copy of the functioning shortcut file (.LNK) and then just write a batch file to copy that shortcut into c:\programdata etc. Eg If exist "c:\programdata...\badshortcut.lnk" del "c:\programdata...\badshortcut.lnk" Copy "myshortcut.lnk" "c:\programadata......" /y Exit Then your application detection method will be to ensure the new shortcut exists.
  11. Have you tried just a wmi query? (Ignore variables) What you need to do is identify where in the WMI information about languages is stored (if it is). Then interrogate that class within the task sequence with a wmi query. Doesnt have to be wmi, can be registry as well. Not had to do this but im confident this is possible. Just a case of finding right type of query (mi, reg, etc)
  12. Try removing and reinstalling the update point role. It slunds drastic, in reality its simple. I had an issue on my SUP, just removed it in the end and reinstalled it. Takes around 24-48hours to obtain compliance information for clients.
  13. Or would result in any of the search criteria being listed. It seems Op is looking for machines with all 4 of those installed. Have you confirmed the quickfixengineering class has entries populating? Not bad the need to create a collection like this but double check. Try software + 1kb to verify it works befre adding the other 3kbs
  14. I have a similar issue. Never found a solution as such but i had a few servers running sql. For some reason sccm simply would not detect sql service pack as required on those servers (would for others). Out of curiosity, i migrated a few of those servers to a new sccm (current brnch) environment i am setting up. Lo and behold those servers were showing as requiring sql service pack. I then migrated those servers back to the old sccm server and this time sql updates showed as required. So it seems a client side issue but cant put my finger on it. Its as if the servers arent sending all the required updates correctly to sccm. Maybe they needed the new windows update agent (that gets installed as part of new sccm agnt install)
  15. Use bootable media. Create a boot media usb key from sccm, boot to your sccm environment and choose ur task sequence. This is basically a PXE, without the pxe
  16. You need to create a script that: Loads the default user registry Adds/modifies the required reg entries Unloads the default user registry https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/chad/2012/04/25/tip-49-how-do-you-set-default-user-profile-registry-settings/ Then you can disable copy profile. Your customisation will stick no matter what. It may not be how microsoft want you to do it, but its EXTREMELY reliable, providing you dont mess with the registry too much (modifying OS critical entries).
  17. Odd behaviour. I wonder if at some stage during driver install, one or more drivers are not allowing other drivers to install until a reboot is performed. Never heard of this but feasible enough. Or perhaps the apply driver step is being interupted. Try rebuild your driver package again. Also package up your drivers and install them as a software package.
  18. Is the samsung drive a pci ssd by any chance? If yes, u need 2 x hotfixes applied to ur windows 7 reference image. Apply those. Also ensure you can detect the drive whilst in winpe (f8 > diskpart > list disk) I had to apply both hotfixes to my companies win7x64 image and also add the samsung nvme driver into my boot image before it would work.
  19. One thing to remember is when u pxe boot, sccm will use the boot image that was last deployed. Example, i create a windows 7 x86 task sequence with winpe x86 boot image assigned to it. I deploy this task sequence. When i next do a PXE boot, the winpe x86 image will fire up first. In most cases it wont matter as the boot image assigned to the task sequence will download anyway but sometimes it can be a bugger and cause issues. Delete all yur task sequence deployments and deploy just ur windows 10 one (assuming thats the boot image u want to load). See if that works.
  20. Also you should always create your reference image on a virtual machine. Its simple, allows snapshots etc and zero risk of driver conflict.
  21. Most vital one is copyprofile isnt really supported well in windows 10. Lots of issues reported about it breaking the start menu etc. Sccm uses the SYSTEM user account to perform actions therefore many user level customisations are lost if you dont use copyprofile. So youre stuck between a rock and a hard place. I found manipulating the default registry is the most reliable way to retain user level customisations.
  22. I work for a global retail company. Most of our DPs are just Dell PCs (running server 2008/2012). No server needed! Agreed it may not be as efficient as a server but a DP is just a file share. Not tested PXE boot tho.
  23. Had this same problem. Was using WinPe 4.0 and struggled to find a driver (did find one in the end). I would strongly advise you look at getting winpe10 if possible. Not only did i have a battle with finding the NIC driver, i also had issues with the storage driver (which i never solved, hence moved to winpe10)
  24. It might be the disk driver. If its SFF it might be using a PCI SSD. I had a similar issue on Dell 7040sff. Had to inject the samsung nvme driver into the winpe image to get it working.
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